Lectures – old

Lecture 1
Aidan Hogan

Coming soon

Lecture 2
Ricardo Guimarães, Ana Ozaki

Coming soon

Lecture 3

Steven Schockeart, Víctor Gutiérrez-Basulto

Reasoning about Concepts with Ontologies and Vector Space Embeddings

Ontologies and vector space embeddings are among the most popular frameworks for encoding conceptual knowledge. Ontologies excel at capturing the logical dependencies between concepts in a precise and clearly defined way. Vector space embeddings excel at modelling similarity and analogy. Given these complementary strengths, various research lines have focused on developing frameworks that can combine the best of both worlds. In this chapter, we present an overview of the work in this area. We first discuss the theory of conceptual spaces, which was proposed in the 1990s by Gärdenfors as an intermediate representation layer, in between embeddings and symbolic knowledge bases. Second, we discuss approaches where symbolic knowledge is modelled in terms of geometric constraints, which are used to constrain or regularise vector space embeddings. Finally, we discuss methods in which similarity, and other forms of conceptual relatedness, are derived from vector space embeddings and subsequently used to support flexible forms of reasoning with ontologies.

Steven Schockaert is a professor at Cardiff University. His main research interests at the moment are commonsense reasoning, representation learning and lexical semantics. He is editor-in-chief of AI Communications, associate editor of Artificial Intelligence and area editor of Fuzzy Sets and Systems. He also serves on the board of EurAI in the role of treasurer. His work has been supported by a range of funders, including the European Research Council, EPSRC, the Leverhulme Trust and the Research Foundation Flanders. He was the recipient of the 2008 ECCAI Doctoral Dissertation award and the IBM Belgium prize for Computer Science.
Víctor Gutiérrez-Basulto is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University. Before that he hold two prestigious postdoctoral fellowships supported by the European Union and the German Government. His main research interests include  foundational aspects of ontology-enriched information systems capturing uncertainty and dynamic aspects of knowledge and more broadly, ontological reasoning under non-standard assumptions. He was PC Chair of RuleML+RR 2020 and Sponsorship Chair of KR 2020.

Lecture 4

Fabian M. Suchanek

Rule Mining and Link Prediction

Coming soon

Lecture 5
To be announced

Coming soon

Lecture 6
Marija Slavkovic

Coming soon